Dialog Box

Karyn Brenton


raised so far


of $300 goal

On national Blue Cornflower Day (23 June 2023) during MND Awareness Week, I will be taking on the challenge to climb the Brisbane Story Bridge to increase awareness of the impact of Motor Neurone Disease.

MND is a neurodegenerative terminal disease that affects a person's ability to move, speak, swallow and eventually, breathe. On average, each day two Australians are diagnosed with MND and sadly two also pass away from MND, often only 2.5years from diagnosis. There is no cure.

On my climb I will be increasing awareness of these impacts that not only affect the person diagnosed but also the family and friends who surround them. Often robbing the person of a chance to share their story, I will climb for them in tribute.

Please donate to my climb and share my page with others so that we can continue to increase awareness and raise vital funds to support those living with MND reach multidisciplinary MND specialised support services, so they can live comfortably and more independently for longer, and to fund research into treatments and ultimately a cure!
