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Save our Speech Study

Save our Speech (SoS) Study: Towards automated speech biomarkers of disease progression and treatment responsiveness in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). 

We are seeking volunteers to take part in the above research study.


To better understand speech changes in MND by:

  • identifying speech markers of disease progression, speech decline, and functional communication loss
  • identifying markers of speech fatigue, stability, and variability in MND speakers

Volunteer requirements:

  • Be over 18 years of age and have a diagnosis of MND
  • Have adequate memory and attentional skills to participate in online data collection tasks
  • Have normal speech or some speech change associated with MND (but still using natural speech as primary means of communication)
  • Live in Queensland
  • Have basic computer skills, access to an electronic device (i.e., computer or iPad), email address, and internet service with adequate internet speed

What is involved?

If you decide to take part in this study, you will be asked to participate in a number of online speech sample collection sessions over a period of 8 months. You will not have to leave your home.

  • 27 online data collection sessions will be involved over a period of 8 months.
  • Average session time = 45 mins -1 hour
  • All sessions will be conducted online (via videoconferencing) with a speech pathologist.
  • You will be asked to complete a number of speech tasks during each session and to answer a number of questions in relation to the effectiveness of your speech
  • All sessions will be conducted with a speech pathologist
  • Speech samples will be recorded by the speech pathologist during each session

 What’s in it for me?

This study is observational (i.e., we are observing possible changes in speech over an 8- month period), hence there are no direct benefits for participants in relation to speech function. Information obtained from this study, however, will provide important insights into the rate and pattern of speech decline contributing to functional communication loss in people with MND. This in turn, will provide an important step towards the development of more efficient objective measurement tools with which to determine disease diagnosis, and to monitor progression and speech treatment responsiveness.

How can I volunteer to find out more?

Please contact Dr. Brooke-Mai Whelan to discuss your possible participation via email bmw@uq.edu.au or phone 3365 6087
